I wasn't greeted or spoken to, again. 13th visit now in my alt, so I am getting used to it. This is the new build. Oh dear Lord, what's this new hub design? A wedding cake?
Either that or it's a prison modelled on WW2 camp watch towers. It's horrid, whatever it is.
YAY more ad boards all over the entry point! I feel at right back home now! (I won't mention how the textures are getting on the boards)
Oh this is a new addition to the environment. What is this? Is this management's idea of appreciating the morons' sweat and blood that runs the Adult Hub? Hmm nice, I guess. Better late than never although not sure why it needs to be such a public display of affection considering it is for staff; it's positioned right in the public landing zone. Alt-Boy shrugs.
Now, I wanna take up this traffic point... I had an issue right back at the beginning of my tenure at Adult Hub Central that the Gor Hub had bots in a sky box... I mean like 12 bots just in there to bump up the traffic count. They know the technology. I watched them for hours. I have photographic evidence. I reminded Serj that having un-registered bots on her land was going against ToS and to be fair to her, she passed it onto Randy-Ravena and they were removed.
But... interesting mind-set. The Management have recently been spouting how they have had 250000 visitors. Patting themselves on their backs and whatnot. (Let's not forget 'a visitor' is an avatar that stays for 5 mins. If they stay for 10 mins, they are counted for 2 visitors.)
In my opinion they are using the dance poles at the hub as traffic boosters. I am not sure if they are bots, alts or a mixture of both with a member or two of Management using Radegast to supply their boosted traffic count. For one, you try going to the hub and getting any of the pole dancers to actually respond to you. They don't. Well maybe one in a hundred tries, I have had a response. I have sat for hours at the hub and watched these dancers and they don't get tipped, they don't talk, they don't change/remove their clothing, they don't respond when spoken to in Local Chat or IM. I have even tipped them in the hope of getting reply, no, nothing. They do nothing. There are no 'customers' to dance to... they just dance around on their poles for hours and hours on end in an empty space and in silence. I have been around for long enough to know exactly how genuine pole dancers work. No pole dancer would stay more than 10 mins in a place where there were no people and where there were no tips. And noobs would stop on dance poles for even less.
I mean, these two pole dancers have freebie stuff on, they have no profile, they were even created on the same day!
Yet, they are parked for hours on these dance poles in total silence?
Multiply this action by the many poles they have at the new hub and Hey Presto! Traffic count looks brilliant! And a great way to defraud advertisers/shop rentals who look at their traffic count and think maybe it's a good place to spend their advertising budget. It is deceitful behaviour, at best. Sure, I am putting 2 and 2 together and making 4, with no evidence, but I invite you to take a wander over there and enjoy a pole dance from one of these dancers and see if you don't come up with the same conclusion I have. And if anyone does have any evidence? Chuck it my way, I will be more than happy to accept it.
I have ejected dancers - back when I was on the staff - after they'd been on a pole for over two hours without responding to IM's, which I sent every fifteen minutes (politely asking if they were afk or 'camping'). They'd re-appear, wordlessly, and get back onto a pole within minutes of being ejected. Only one ever IM'd me (the next day) and asked why I had ejected them (which had been explained via IM if they'd cared to read it). Weird. I think lots of people camp there for the pittance they get Linden-wise (5L an hour). Just some observations - your theory may well hold water, Forceme.
ReplyDeleteThey pay L$5 an hour??
ReplyDeleteOh interesting... So if I read this from Jack Linden http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land-and-Sea-General/Further-Clarification-on-Bots-and-Camping/ba-p/643765
He says... "Whether a landowner uses Bots or Camping Chairs, or Camping Chairs with Bots in them, the effect is the same - the traffic score for that parcel is inflated unfairly." And "So the policy statement is that where we see a Resident unfairly increasing their Search ranking, regardless of how that is achieved, it will be considered as 'gaming'. We will give a first warning to begin with and direct people to the policy. However continued gaming can result in suspension or removal from Search listings altogether."
Isn't LL supporting this venture of The Adult Hubs? Yet they allow the landowner to flout words? I shall be reporting this to Linden lab because I do believe they are gaming their traffic. I am not sure why LL need me to pick up on these things; you would have thought LL staff would have been keeping an eye on their proceedings.
I've seen this by the hour payment of semi-bots as well, even in avatars parked for sex. I cannot imagine the type of people who would get pleasure out of pixel f*cking a dumb mute avi. But then again, in RL you get people who actually marry plastic dollies, so....
ReplyDeleteSure they do but they do it for their own pleasures. They don't do it to fool others into parting with their cash by upping their traffic count. The whole continent is filled with "Art" statues. Serj paid me money to be an art exhibit because I camped on a poseball. The place stinks with underhand sly desperation.