Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Lovely staff

From after I left Central hub yesterday in local chat in front everyone...

isabelle who wears Hub Owner tag
lilfae who is a Hub Manager Without Brief

isabelle.kostolany: welcome back, leona - you missed forceme's departure :)
lilfae: Oh did I? Darn
isabelle.kostolany: I thought you'd be upset :)
lilfae: I'll get the Febreeze out shall I?
isabelle.kostolany: I think she was trying to score some points - I'm not entirely sure why though :)
lilfae: I thought for a moment, she was going to advertise her classes
isabelle.kostolany: I like to think of them as a way of how not to do things :)
lilfae: Yes, but lesson 1 is an oxymoron; Don't do the classes.. xD
isabelle.kostolany: lots of people go to them, and she has quite a reputation - but I have been to one, which went of for three days (or it seemed like it), where she 'assassinated' someone's profile
lilfae: Oh, she actually holds them?
isabelle.kostolany: an acquired taste, let's say :)
lilfae: I thought she got Bouncing Box to
isabelle.kostolany: this was some time ago - it was the first and last class of hers that I went to
lilfae: I went to one myself once, I felt like I outclassed the curriculum
isabelle.kostolany: ah, you just have to forget everything you have learned about D/s when you go to a forceme class :)
lilfae: You realise though, she's probably still here in another form? QUeen of the alternate? :)
isabelle.kostolany: oh, naturally :)
lilfae: Have to sidestep those Terms of Service some how, right?

from isabelle, whose owner invited me to teach my classes at her school, whose school I taught at for so long and who begged me to stay teaching there after I left FC.  Yet my classes which were the mainstay of her mistress' school were so crap, now she tells her audience at Central hub?

And from lilfae who attended many of my classes, and who praised them often to me and to others and who wrote this about me to everyone about my work at Central hub... "I really hate myself for saying this, but I believe Forceme was actually GOOD, for the Hubs. She had a terrible personality, but she got things done, and did so in spite of others. And very often, on her own. I now know how that feels, and I actually feel sorry for her being gone." in her open statement just three months ago. 

What a pair of silly boys they are.  And the four people who IMed me after I had gone and sent me the convo they were having think very little of them both now.  Slagging off me and my classes did nothing for their reputation and gained me more supporters.  They both have the political acumen of a carrot which is why the hubs will never succeed.

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