I have lifted this from theadulthub.blogspot.com 's banner.
Main blog for the Adult Hub, a series of five hubs based in the Freedom Continent of Second Life. A privately owned hub, given a project by Linden Lab to provide an educational resource to the new age-verified members of the Second Life Community. This blog aims to help keep people informed of key events in the five hubs, new developments and provide links to information, calendars, and even the odd review on places that matter to tour guests.
I would like to just have a poke around at it.
A series of five hubs... Hmm nope. Four hubs, although I am fairly sure that won't continue for long if recent events have anything to do with it.
A privately owned hub, given a project by Linden lab to provide an educational resource to the new age-verified members of the Second Life community. Well... where do I start? Yes, it is privately owned (And therefore needs to be paid for in real money, a lot real dollars) And yes, LL gave them the workload to set up the project. Which, I still maintain, is a brilliant idea. However, I get unstuck here...
'to provide an educational resource'; I'd like to examine what education they provide.
They provide
one notecard that tells people how to use and spend money in SL (Funny where they see their priorities in terms of what new Residents need to know, don't you think?) and there are Guides who help people who arrive although the quality of the help varies enormously. Most really can't be bothered to go through the endless samey questions that they get asked day in and day out. Only a few can be bothered to even say hello to a new person let alone spend an hour with someone who wants to know how to know how to unpack a box. If anyone wants to question this fact, one only needs to read Serj's own words at her recent managers' meeting where she encourages managers to create alts and experience the crap reception and help people get at the hub as a noob. Oh as a matter of interest, what a fabulous way to manage people and foster trust in workers... spy on them! Secret Shopper indeed. What Serj fails to realise is that these people are volunteers and untrained and don't deserve to be spied on. If she needs to do the Secret Shopper experience, then she needs to provide back up and training and proper payment. She can't take, take, take from people, shoot them when they do wrong and expect people to be OK about it.
The word education used in this context is a slight on real education that goes on around the grid. Their education relies heavily, in fact, entirely, on one-on-one man-hours. The most ineffectual way to teach mass people. There are no classes at the hub, no stand alone learning activities, no notecards to address the ones who prefer to quiet learners, there is nothing other than "How to spend your money in my hub' and mostly ineffectual and bored Guides. It is quite a disgrace that Serj has allowed this brilliant project to descend into the gutter, surrounded by a pole dancing club and empty ad-boards, covered in lag and stupid gestures, sprinkled with untrained and spied-on members of staff. Quite disgraceful, indeed.
Pole dancing club is the main feature of the Adult hub; so much for 'education'. |
This blog aims to help keep people informed of key events in the five hubs, new developments and provide links to information, calendars and even the off review on places that matter to tour guests. There has not been a post on this blog since April 2012, so well over 9 months. It is hardly keeping people up with events, is it? Is it true that no key events have happened in that time? Hm, probably. Links to information? Well, there is a link to the Virwox Linden Exchange. Money money money, AGAIN?! Hawhaw. No links to freebie blogs, hunt blogs, newbie blogs, you know, links that new people to SL would be interested in? No. Just a link on how to get money into SL. Calendars? Hmm, no, no calendars, because there are no events, maybe? There is a kinda review, but it's nothing to do with the FC or the hubs. And it is not really (At all) a review; just a photo opportunity.
How to ruin and destroy a brilliant concept. The Adult Hub.